Retailers are Partnering with Microsoft to Connect Customers, People & Data

Consumers have come to expect personalized experiences at every touchpoint and the only way to deliver this is through analytics-powered insights. Microsoft Cloud for Retail enables retailers to transform the customer experience by unlocking and making actionable these valuable consumer insights. Get in touch for in-depth consultation from a Techhub PS @Microsoft expert. #MicrosoftCloud #Retail

Microsoft Cloud for Retail: Enabling Retailers to Transform Consumer Experience and Operations Through Data

Retail is undergoing a transformation with a renewed focus on the growing importance of unlocking consumer insights while balancing the need to maintain privacy. This blog examines that balance, as well as the need for tighter omnichannel experiences, the challenge of mitigating supply chain disruptions, and not compromising on sustainability. Read More…

What Is SASE?

With an increase in remote users and SaaS applications, data moving from the data center to cloud services, and more traffic going to public cloud services and branch offices then back to the data center, there’s a critical need for a new approach to network security. Read this blog to learn about the game-changing security model known as SASE (Secure Access Service Edge, pronounced “Sassy”) and contact a Techhub PS SASE expert to find out how to implement this security model to protect and support your business. #SASE #PaloAltoNetworks