Imagine having your very own threat incident response team of experts on speed dial. Watch the video now to get a detailed view of how the Palo Alto Networks Unit 42 Incident Response process can help your organization.
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Imagine having your very own threat incident response team of experts on speed dial. Watch the video now to get a detailed view of how the Palo Alto Networks Unit 42 Incident Response process can help your organization.
{{trans('Drag and drop your video here')}}
{{trans('Click here')}} {{trans('to select and upload the video')}}
{{trans('Please leave your feedback')}}
{{trans(`You can record up to`)}} {{trans(`%s min.`, time(preference.max_video_length, 'notice'))}} {{ trans(`You can review your video before submitting`)}}
{{trans('You will be able to check your review before sending')}}
{{trans('Not ready to record?')}}
{{trans(`You can record up to`)}} {{trans(`%s min.`, time(preference.max_video_length, 'notice'))}} {{ trans(`You can review your video before submitting`) }}
⚠️ {{ trans(`Camera and microphone access is blocked!`) }}
{{ trans(`Please give`) }} {{ trans(`microphone and camera access`) }} {{ trans(`to record video`) }}
{{ trans(`This site isn’t using https protocol.`) }} {{ trans(`Reviews cannot be recorded or uploaded`) }}
{{trans(`Not ready to record?`)}}{{trans(`Upload Video`)}}
{{trans(`Changed your mind?`)}}{{trans(`Upload Video Instead`)}}
{{trans(`Changed your mind?`)}}{{trans(`Record a Video Review`)}}
{{trans(`Changed your mind?`)}}{{trans(`Record a Video Instead`)}}
{{trans('Not ready to record?')}}{{trans(`Upload Video`)}}
{{trans('Changed mind?')}}{{trans(`Record Video Instead`)}}
{{trans('Uploading video...')}}
{{ trans('Your Review has been successfully') }}
{{ trans('submitted') }}